Last Updated 10/26/2015



BAXLEY, WILLIS wab26@bellsouth.net 439th Squadron, Bombardier Africa, Sardinia - 9755 S.W. 213th Terrace  Miami, FL 33189-3734
BROCKMAN, ED edbrockman@unclebrock.com 439th. Armorer, Africa, sardinia, Corsica, Texas - unclebrock.com
Boehm,Harold J. (Boomer) sboehm@lisco.com Bombardier-Navigator, 439 th Sicily, Sardinia, Corsica Pacific--1st Lt. Sigourney, Iowa
BORGER, BERNARD J baysoft@surfside.com 437th. Engineer/Gunner. Okinawa (Son-In-laws address) OHIO
Bie, Thomas F. btomackie@aol.com Navigator/Bombardier 437th Squadron in Pacific phase. 632 Graydon Ave., Norfolk VA 23507
CHALCRAFT, WALTER walterpc@yahoo.com 438th engineer-gunner.  Abilene, Texas
CHRISTEN, ROY christenroya@hotmail.com Pilot, North Africa,Sardinia. Injured and sent back to states
COCUZZI, LOUIS PattyCocuzzi@attbi.com   440th.
COLLINS, PAUL "RIP" ripcollins@aol.com 438th. Pilot Sardinia, Corsica, Okinawa. B26, B25, A26- FLORIDA
COLPITTS, KEITH 2maineacs@mymailstation.com 437th. Tailgunner, England, North Africa, NH,
CONNAUGHTON, JOESEPH joeconna@comcast.net 438th. Bombardier/Navigator (Okinawa, Corsica, Sardinia-ALABAMA
Cooper, Jr., Wm. G. bcooperjr3@comcast.net 1st. Lt. Shot down over Mantua, italy Oct 19. 1944 POW 6/5 Months. Chattanooga, Tn.
COVERSTONE, DOYT dfcov@tstar.net 440th. Navigator, North Africa, Sardinia
COX, MORTIMER C. okcoxfam@frontier.com Pilot, 440th Sq. Shot down in January, 1943. After his hospital stay, he was sent to Stalag Luft I for the duration of the war. After the war he went back to enlisted status, getting out in 1952.
Craddock,William bcraddock@webtv.net 439th Sq. Pilot, N. Africa, Sardina
DECKER, CLYDE H lahines@top.net 438th. Gunner--North Africa, Sardinia, Nebraska
DISTENFELD, IRVING Idistenfeldb@aol.com 437th Sqd. Gunnner from Columbia, S.C. to Okinawa & back. Prior 319th, 3rd Air Commando Group Crew Chief on a P-51
DOHERTY, JIM marauder440@aol.com 440th. Pilot, Sardinia, Corsica, Okinawa, Pennsylvania
EISSING, BILL dexsta@aol.com ??????????
Ellzey,Paul michael_ellzey@yahoo.com 439th Bombadier/Navigator, North Africa, Sardinia, B26 Maraurder
Erwin, Jr. William F, werwin@houston.rr.com Captain, Pilot B-26 North Africa, November, 1942-July, 1943.
EVANS, JIM jimandmaime@verizon.net 440th. OPS Pilot. Africa, Sardinia
Falke, Clarence, G. md2634@aol.com 437th (don't remember for sure) Squadron, Bombardier, shot down Sept. '44 over the Poe River, was POW until Patton's Tank Corps. liberated us from Stalag 17
FANKHOUSER, DELMAR delfish@hiline.net Pilot 439th.  North Africa, Sardinia, Corsica, Texas
FARKAS, GEZA user1333@cs.com 439th. Radio Gunner-Africa, Sardinia, Arizona
FRINK, DONLAD C. bonnief324@adelphia.net member of the 319th Bombardment Group, the 438th Bombardment Squadron, and the 8th and 12th Division of the Air Force died August 3, 2003
GAFFEY, JOHN mhg7867726@aol.com 437th.
GAMMON, HOWARD hmgammon@optonline.net 437th. Bombardier/Navigator (Okinawa) New Jersey
GOODE, BILL tendwillie@aol.net 438th. armorer/gunner, Sardinia, Corsica, VA.
GRECO, RALPH grecowarwick@aol.com Crew Chief, 439th, Africa, Sardinia, Corsica
Gunter, Benjamin Franklin mojo474@aol.com 319th bomb group, 439th squadron. Ledbetter, Texas
HALL, ALEX schultzie@theonramp.net 440th. Crew Chief, Mediterranean Theater-Ohio
HARRIS, FLOYD L Rick_Harris@nps.gov 437th Squadron. Staff sergeant and a top turret gunner and flight engineer. Served in Northern Africa and Sardinia. Flew 63 missions with the 319th.
HAMMOND, LESLIE A lkhammond@aol.com 439th. Crew Chief, Africa
Hicks, Bill bhicks1735@aol.com Pilot, 439th Sq'dn N. Africa & Sardinia '43-'44
Johnson, Waverly wjohnsonjr@hot.rr.com 439th Squadron, Pilot, Africa, Sardinia. 2808 Woodland Drive, Waco, TX 76710
JONES, BILL wmsteele@aol.com 437 Mechanic-NEW MEXICO
KINSALA, RAY ray55@1starnet.com 438th. Bombardier.
Krejny, Bob WNBK@aol.com radio repairman in Corsica
LAUDERBAUGH, JEROME A Jerry.Lauderbaugh@sciatl.com 440 Lieutenant Colonel-flew over 50 missions in B-26s and B-25 with this unit (440th Sq) in 1944 from Sardinia and Corsica
LUCERO, GENE pingsong@aol.com Flew from Sardinia, shot down in Po Valley 7/20/44
MADRANO, JOE blkhand@flash.net 319th. Sec/Treas. Completed 46 combat missions in the Mediterranean Theater of Operations. - Deceased.
MASTERS, FRANK L. dbrad@pioneernet.net Pilot; 439th Bomb squadron; Tunisia, Sardinia, 60 missions.
Mathews, Paul G. mollygrant@metrocast.net Captain, pilot, 60 missions, No Africa & Sardinia. PO Box 234, Deerfield, NH 03037
MCKEE, ED emac1922@aol.com 439th squadron. Engineer gunner on the B26 and the B25. I flew 23 missions out of Corsica in late 44 and 45
MCKIMM, JIM jim_dot@email.msn.com Hqs
MITCHELL, ORVILLE mitch@hot1.net 437th.  Pilot, Africa, Sardinia
Nicola, Howard L. "Nick"  none available retired as a Lt Col, USAFR, served in the 438th from 1944 until the unit was inactivated.
439th. Pilot (Sardinia, Corsica
OGILVIE, JOHN jcogilvie@aol.com 440th. Pilot, Sardinia, Corsica, Okinawa, Virginia
OYSTER, ESTHER emo@bright.net Co Founder of the 319th. Bomb Group Association.
PARKOSEWICH, PAUL parke6b@aol.com) 439-Armorer, enlisted,Bomb/Nav, Africa, Sardinia
PEPPLE, CLIFF dschruth@orednet.org 439th. armament, Djedeida, Sardinia, Corsica-OREGON
POWELL, RUSSELL Rssllpow@aol.com 439th. Crew Chief, Barksdale Field, England, North Africa, Sardinia, Corsica,Columbia.
PYLE, EDSON M erpyle319@aol.com 437th.- Pilot Africa, Sardinia, Corsica
Sloane, Jack waterfordown@aol.com Pilot 437th Bomb Squadron
RAMMELKAMP, TED SR tedsr@csj.net 438th. Pilot (England, North Africa) Original pilot of "The Big Ass Bird"
RANDALL, RON   440th.-Eng/Gunner, Editor, 319th. "FLYER" - Deceased.
Raymond, P Poulson rpoulso@bellsouth.net Pilot, Sardinia, Corsica, B26/B-25
REID, DAVE hwreid@msn.com 437-Pilot (Sardinia, Corsica)-CALIFORNIA
RHODARMER, ROGER alphrho@aol.com 439th.- Pilot North Africa, Sardinia, Corsica, Okinawa-OHIO
ROMESBURG, PAUL J.   319th Tech Sgt on the number 29 plane.
RIENHART, BERNIE bernard_rienhart@hotmail.com 440th. Eng./Gunner, Sardinia, Corsica, Okinawa, Calif.
RITCHEY, LOGAN A logan@dashs.denver.co.us 4?? Pilot, North Africa, Sardinia, Texas
RYAN, GENE generyan@cot.net 439-Pilot (Pacific) - CALIFORNIA
ROACH, SAM Sroachy@attbi.com 439th. Nav/Bomb-
SANTSCHI, JULIUS V tigger@jcn1.com 437th. Pilot----Missouri
Schott, Richard coyoterjs@aol.com 319th BG , 440th Squad. Shot down July 4th 1943 over the Island of Sicily & captured by the Germans. Spent 22 months at Stlag Luft lll, Germany.
SHAY, FRED pfshay@comcast.net Pilot 438th. Sardinia, Corsica, Okinawa
Simpson, Billy psimpson@hot1.net 438th, Eng/Gunner, Sardinia, Houston, Texas
SMITH, LEO lsmith16@mindspring.com 440-Pilot
STORY, HARRY M. JR hstoryjr@webtv.net 438th. Pilot, Capt. 67 missions, Sardinia
SULLIVAN, BILL wsullivan@indy.rr.com Hqs Weather Sec
SLAYTON, BOBBIE slaytonbb@aol.com Ms. "Deke"- - 438-pilot (Okinawa)-TEXAS
Tarbutton, James W. "Jack" jtar@vvm.com 2nd Lt, Co-pilot, Sardinia, shot down October, 1944, survived POW camp in Poland and 100 mile march in January, 1945. Liberated by Gen. Patton.
VIAL, WILLIAM squareeye@aol.com Ordinance Djedeida to Okinawa- State?
Walker, Leo E. CETUSII@aol.com Technical Sergeant, Crew chief of "Zero four" , B-26 11/42 to 11/44
West, Mark C. m338west@plantnet.com 439th. ordinance, Okinawa
Wisniewski, Stanley crzyhrs@att.net  438th. Armorer-Gunner, No. Africa, Sardinia. Florida & Long Island, NY
WOLF, CHARLIE   439th. Pilot (Europe & Pacific) TEXAS - Deceased.
WOLFF, DENNIS M dennywolff@rushmore.com 439th. Crew Chief. England, Africa, Sardinia, Corsica, Okinawa SOUTH DAKOTA
YOUNG, JOHN W. YJandTY2@aol.com 437th Pilot, Africa, Sardinia,  Flew a war-weary home April, 1944
BARTHOLOMEW, DAN dbarthol@maine.rr.com Son of Bruce F. Bartholomew pilot 319th Bomb Grp., 439th Squadron.
BARTHOLOMEW, LAUREN trbart@adelphia.net Granddaughter of Bruce F. Bartholomew pilot 319th Bomb Group 439th Squadron
BARTHOLOMEW, NICHOLAS trbart@adelphia.net Grandson of Bruce F. Bartholomew pilot 319th Bomb Squad Group 439th Squadron.
Bartholomew, Tom E. tbartholomew@hbsna.com Son of Bruce F. Bartholomew pilot 319th Bomb Squad Group 439th Squadron.
BRIGHT, PEG AUSTIN pjbright@webone.com.au Daughter of Jules Hoyle Austin, 438th. Pilot. Peg lives in Canberra, Australia
BROOKS, THOMAS JOHNSON magick41@comcast.net I am the nephew of 1st Lt Johnson, Thomas T, Pilot, 437th Bomber Squadron
BERNACCHI, ARONE waldoxIv@aol.com Grand child of Richard Looney, 440th. wants info on Richard
Bonnell, LTC Charles W. charles.bonnell@us.army.mil I am the nephew of 1LT Ted Fuller. He was assigned to the 440th BS.
BROTHERHOOD, BEVERLY rbrother@earthlink.net Widow of Richard Brotherhood 437th. Pilot
BROTHERHOOD, ROY roy@powerpcs.com Son of Richard Brotherhood 437th. pilot "O'Reillys Daughter"
Son of Lawrence Brouillette, 440th. Flt.Eng/Gunner Flew on "Miss Eveready"
BUCKLEY, REGINA kdamore@email.msn.com Daughter of Louis E. Buckley, 438th
Callahan, Kevin


Son of Dan Callahan, Pilot 319th Bomb Group, 440th Squadron.

CASE, MELISSA melissacase93@gmail.com Grandaughter of RobertKunselman. St. Sgt with 319th Bomb BG
CLODFELTER, MICHAEL eeprkeepr@aol.com son of James W. Clodfelter, communications/admin NCO. Okinawa. Asheville, NC
COCUZZI, DAVID davec@qnci.net  Son of Louis Cocuzzi, 440th. , engineering
COCUZZI, PATTY PattyCocuzzi@attbi.com daughter in law of Louis Cocuzzi, 440th.
Cohen, Gary Gc2912@aol.com Nephew, Sgt. Maurice L. Cohen with the 437th BS, 319th BG
Coney, Kenneth superc@visuallink.com Son of Winslow S. Coney 320/443 Photographer and Waist Gunner North Africa, Sardenia, Italy, France. Two photographs attached.
COX, DAVID R. okcoxfam@frontier.com Son of 440th pilot Mortimer C. Cox.
CRITZ, JAY jplr27ln@aol.com Son of Julian Critz, 439th. Pilot of "Skeeter" LK. Charles,also 320th. BG.
Ellzey, Michael michael_ellzey@yahoo.com Son of Ellzey,Paul 439th Bombadier/Navigator, North Africa, Sardinia, B26 Maraurder
Fox, Pam Clark pclark02@yahoo.com Niece of E. J. Brockman, 439th. Sq..
Fuller,Tommy tfuller7@carolina.rr.com Dad served in Europe and the Pacific.
GRECO, MATHEW pillz885@gmail.com Grandson of the Ralph Greco
HAMPTON, LOUISE raylouise2@aol.com daughter of Charles E. Smith, 440th. eng/gunner. Sardinia, Corsica, Okinawa
Huggins, George g_huggins@hotmail.com Youngest child of Fred T. Huggins, 438th Pilot.  Pictured on back page of "The 319th Flyer" (April-May-June 1986, Number 55) with "Hel-en Back".  Believe he also flew a plane called "Ticket Home".  Died 10/15/98.
Hunnicutt, Jan    hunnicutt@pon.net    Daughter of Harold & Esther Oyster, 439th.
Joque, Darrell d.t.joque@att.net Son of Walter P. Joque, Bombardier/Navigator 319th Bomb Group, 438th Squadron.
Kaiser, Don Corsica <489thcorsica@gmail.com>
son of Quentin C. Kaiser, T/Sgt., radio-gunner from the 489th Bombardment Squadron/ 340th Bombardment Group, 57th Bomb Wing, 12th Air Force, USAAF, Alesani, Corsica, May, 1944 through March 1945.  65 combat missions in B-25J Mitchells.
Keeble, Burton mairez*yahoo.com son of AAF Capt. Walter Burton Keeble, assistant S-2 officer in Photo Interpretation for the 445 Bomb Squadron of the 321st Bomb Group
Kemmer, Chris chris@ckkemmercomm.com Daughter of Nicholas F. Walsh, Radio Gunner 439th sq., 319th Bomber Group, Sardinia December 1943-August 1944
Kopiasz, Phyllis mars1565@yahoo.com 391st BG. Niece of Robert E. Baxter, B-26 pilot in 572 BS (d. 1995)
McINTOSH, BOB rdmcintosh@worldnet.att.net son of John A. McIntosh 437th.Radio Gunner. POW 24 months
MILLER, CHRISTOPHER cdogmil@aol.com  son of Donald E. Miller, 439th. t/sgt. flew 70 missions, flew 100th.  mission of Hell's Belles II
MITCHELL, LEE R. lrmitch73@attbi.com  Son of Pilot Orville Mitchell, 437th. Colorado
Montgomery, Sue iamsue@gotown.net  'baby' sister of Jess Edward Montgomery, 328th pilot in Europe as well as the Pacific.
Murdock Jr, Paul A. pmurdock@sccoast.net Son of Paul A. Murdock Sr, 319th Bomb Sq, 440th Wing
MYERS, HARVEY baysoft@surfside.com Father In Law of Bernard J. Borger (OHIO)
Mysicka, Michael Ppilotmike@aol.com Son of Edward J Mysicka Pilot 319th Bomb Group 440 Sq 
Newbill, Carol sunday1478@msn.com daughter of Charles E. Sunday tailgunner 319th squadron in North Africa
OSGOOD, PETER osgood@volpe.dot.gov Son of Sam Osgood of the 439th Armament. My father was assigned to Hell's Belle II.
POPE Jr., BISMARK mpope@airmail.net Son of Major Bismark Pope Jr. Pilot,  in North Africa and Sardina with the 319th
PYUN, MELISSA A armychic1lt@yahoo.com Granddaughter of Frank A. Badia, Gunner, Pretty Buggy, 319th Bomb Squadron, 440th Squadron, Italy/North Africa
RANDALL, DAVID wyattsdad@tx.rr.com Son of Ronald Randall , 319th., 440th.
RANDALL, GARY grandall@iphase.com  Son of Ron Randall, 440th. & served in AF, Vietnam
ROBINSON, DAVID BRUCE IVYMONTCPA@aol.com Nephew of Charles Gordon Robinson 437th., Deputy Group Commander
ROGERS, JULIE A. juliesdreams58@yahoo.com Daughter of Jules Austin, pilot 438th. I currently live in Columbus IN
Schrader, Edward J (jr) edschrader@pcnow.net son of Edward J Schrader  Msgt.  319th in North Africa.  Built "uncle Ed's big little 5 watter"  radio station during the war for the entertainment of the military.  Was a radio gunner .  Want more information about him during this time.  he is deceased since 1989.
SEYMUOR JR., ROY spencer.seymour@comast.net Dad's name was 1st Lt. Roy Seymour Pilot. Flew Hells Belles and a few others. 319th group 439th squadron.
Shank, John johns6711@sbcglobal.net Son of 2nd Lt. Donald A. Shank, Pilot, 319th., Corsica
SIEFERS, KARLA JETER Karlas@ellinwood.com Daughter of Jack G. Jeter 438th. Flight Chief ,Africa, Sardinia, Corsica)OK
SMITH, BARBARA F bars@lcc.net Widow of Wm. C. Smith, eng./gunner on O'Riley's Daughter, 437th., Europe & Pacific, Texas
SOUDER, WALTER bbsouder@worldnet.att.net CMsgt., USSAF, 168th. Air Refueling Wing, it's heritage is from the 437th. Squadron
STEPHENS, LARRY M. lstephen@cimtel.net Son of 1st. Lt. Royce E. Stephens: pilot in 439th Bomber Squadron; 319th Bomber Group, Medium. He was killed in action flying over Brenner Pass on 10-Dec-44. (Sardinia, Corsica)
STUDDERT, MARK Mark markstuddert@comcast.net Grandson of 1st Lt. Harry Graham of the 437th Bomb Squadron. North Africa, Sardinia.
TREADWELL, KENNETH kenrobertson@sbcglobal.net Grandson of Donald Treadwell 440th. Pilot KIA
WALLACE, ALAINA wallace172@comcast.net Daughter in law of Albert Wallace 438th. Asst. Crew Chief. Trying to find out any information.
Weber, Robert G. Jr In2phonos@aol.com Grandson of James G. Clark A-26 Gunner 319th Bomb Group Okinawa 1945
Wilson, Christy B. cwilson4949@hotmail.com Daughter of Bruce F. Bartholomew pilot 319th Bomb Group 439th Squadron. 
Wilson, Peter J. pwilso85@mailbox.stlawu.edu Grandson of Bruce F. Bartholomew pilot 319th Bomb Group 439th Squadron

Grandson of Charles Wolf 439th Pilot (Europe & Pacific) - Current 319th Webmaster -

WOLFF, DR. ROGER sitka@rapidcity.com Son of Dennis Wolff (Crew Chief, 439th.) SOUTH DAKOTA
WOLF, NANCY BLAIR LYLE wolfie@satx.rr.com Widow of Charlie Wolf, 439th. Pilot (Europe & Pacific) TEXAS - Deceased

MAGRUDER, BOB bobangie@erols.com Son of Peyton M. Magruder, designer and building of the B26 Marauder Medium Bomber.

BAKER, TED tbaker26@eesc.com 17th. Bomb Wing 95th. Sq. Pilot 55 missions Korea, Michigan
DUDLEY, RAY mjaray@aol.com 34th. squad, Pilot, Corsica, France, Texas
TRAPP, JOSEPH jttrapp21@aol.com 37th. Squad. Pilot, 69 Missions, New York

320 th. BOMB GROUP

321 st. BOMB GROUP

Ifshin, Isidore "Mr Zip" mrzip@bellsouth.net I. Ifshin 447 BS- 321 BG  Eng,/gunner- 60 missions Shot down on my 60th mission.. in Roverto, Italy.

323rd.  BOMB GROUP
BURGMEIR, FRANK fburg@servtech.com 456th. Lead Navigator. England , France, Germany
GOLDSMITH, BEN bigben@midcoast.com Pilot.
JACOBS, HARVEY "JAKE" b26pilot@mcs.com Pilot
MILLER, CLARENCE "CHICK" haphaz@bellatlantic.net  453rd. Pilot, Pittsburgh,Pa
ROBBE, A.M. angerobbe@mindspring.com Pilot, France, GA
SCHEIER, PHIL b26crew@worldnet.att.net ?
TURNER, MARVIN R. rmtk8kx@hotmail.com "Chic Miller crew" 453rd. Radio Gunner--France--OHIO- 
WEFEL, RALPH M. 72754.344@compuserve.com 455th. Radio Gunner, France OREGON

DINOU, JOHN C. b26guy@ticnet.com 496th. No further info

SWEET, REDFIELD"Tad" 71674.201@compuserve.com ?
THORN, ED   goert@aol.com crew
WALKER, HUGH mhshw@sig.net webmaster of new 391st. web page (under construction)

BOYLAN, JOSEPH jboylan@ac.net 573, Pilot
Brown, Spencer hoosier5@aol.com 323 S. Harrison, Batavia, IL  60510 - (630)761-1847